CBD Education

What is CBD Wax or CBD Crumble Exactly?

CBD oil has been gaining popularity lately as a convenient form of CBD. But oil isn’t the only form of CBD that can be used. CBD wax is another way to consume CBD, but when it comes to wax the terms can get a little confusing. Wax, crumble, live resin, it can be difficult to keep it all straight. So what exactly is the difference between CBD oil and CBD wax, and what are the different types of wax available? Under what circumstances is CBD wax preferable to CBD oil?

CBD oil versus CBD wax

CBD oil and CBD wax are both extracts of cannabidiol, and their extraction methods are nearly identical. Whether a manufacturer uses ethanol or butane to extract CBD concentrates doesn’t have an impact on whether the final product is wax or oil That is determined by the purging process. If the extract is whipped, you end up with wax, if it is purged of chemical solvents, you get oil.

As far as vaping devices go, oil is easier to use with a pen and wax is going to work better in a dab rig. Whether you go for wax or oil comes down to personal preference. Oil can be infused into edibles whereas wax has to be inhaled. There are also differences in potency. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference.

Types of CBD wax

CBD wax comes in a few different varieties, and each has its advantages. Your options to choose from are shatter, live resin, crumble, wax and budder, all of which are different kinds of CBD extract.


Just to make things a tad more confusing, CBD wax can also refer to a specific kind of wax, in addition to being the blanket term for many consistencies of CBD. Wax is one of the more popular variants and has a consistency similar to beeswax, hence the name.


Shatter has a texture similar to glass. You get shatter when the extraction process stops just short of fully crystallizing. This gives shatter a rather cloudy look. When it heats up during the vaping process, it takes on an appearance much like thick honey.

Live Resin

Other extraction methods use dried herb trims or cured buds, but live resin begins with cryogenically frozen buds. Because the freezing process preserves cannabinoids and terpenes much better, CBD live resin usually has a very strong, clear flavor. CBD live resin is one of the more expensive types of CBD wax. CBD live resin is often considered high-end or a special treat.


When manufacturers purge at a very high temperature and air pressure, budder is the result. Budder is lighter and a bit more wax-like than shatter. The consistency is similar to butter or margarine.


Crumble wax is very similar to budder in terms of how it is extracted. To consume crumble instead of budder, manufacturers pre-purge their CBD oil. This makes the end result a bit more moist, which leads to the more viscous texture of crumble. As the name implies, crumble comes apart easily. This can make it difficult to work with, but many people say the flavor is worth it.

What’s the appeal of CBD wax?

CBD wax is more expensive than oil and can be confusing and tricky to work with. So why do people go for it? Often times it has to do with the higher concentration that can be achieved with wax. It’s different for each person, but some feel it also gives a smoother experience. It all depends on how an individual’s body handles CBD.

CBD wax also allows users a great level of control over their dosages, often allowing you to fine-tune the amount of CBD you enjoy.

Many people also choose to combine CBD wax dabbing with other forms of CBD. There are times when dabbing may not be viable or appropriate and so people turn to edibles or topicals. There’s nothing stopping you from mixing and matching until you find the perfect combination of CBD products – or product – that works for you.

Where is CBD wax available?

CBD wax can be purchased in its many myriad forms from hemp retailers like us at Sun State Hemp. Since it contains at most negligible amounts of THC, CBD wax will not give you any sort of high if sourced properly. Although if you choose to dab CBD wax, be aware that people who see you may not be familiar with CBD and might instead think you are using marijuana. Please also be aware of the regulations surrounding CBD in your country, state, and local municipalities.

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