
Managing Back-to-School Stress for Parents

stressed-out parents

With schools back in session, and most parents still getting into the swing of things with their child or children’s respective schedule(s), we figured it was important to sit down and talk about stress. For many parents, managing back-to-school stress can be challenging, trying to balance mental health needs with the pressures of the real world. Between work, chores, looking after your young ones, and after-school activities, time for yourself or your partner can be hard to come by. As such, it’s critical to develop good habits for handling the challenges that a new school year brings. Let’s take a look at the some of the top tips available when it comes to managing back-to-school stress for parents.

Make Time to Meditate

5 minutes of meditation time, even just before you go to bed or just before you start your work day, can do wonders for your mind and body. The key to meditation is mindfulness on the present moment, with steady deep breathing. Find somewhere quiet or decently distraction-free, breath in deeply, and keep an empty mind. Focus on the moment, the act of your breathing, and let distractions or worries go. It might sound tough or even pointless, but it can be effective for managing stress.

Beat Stress with Exercise – or at least a short walk

Though the thought of regular exercise might seem stress-inducing to some, it can be an effective way to support your mental wellbeing too! Physical activity has shown improvement for both sleep and mood, and we know sleep is critical for managing stress. Whether it’s biking, walking, any kind of real activity during your day can support your physical wellness – and in turn your mental wellness. If your child has after-school activities involving sports, participating with them in practice at home can help.

Friends, Family, and Community – lean on a support system

Remember, you won’t be the only person dealing with the struggles of back-to-school stress; kids, other parents, teachers, and administrators alike will be going through this process too. Look to your friends and family and make time even for just a phone call. If there are local groups that offer back-to-school support, touch base with them so you can learn new ideas and feel like you’re part of a community. PTA meetings or back-to-school nights are great for really getting to understand the environment your child or children will be in, and helping you ease into the year.

Managing back-to-school stress is hard – let Sun State Hemp make it easy

We at Sun State Hemp are aware of the challenges parents face. Even with the struggles of the back-to-school period, it’s important you also make time for yourself to unwind. Our wide array of natural CBD and hemp-derived products are perfect for the busy adult in need of some self-care. Our GMP-certified, American-made products are perfect for parents looking to relax at the end of the day. Don’t wait – discover our latest and greatest today!

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