Holiday stress can be daunting. Keep your spirits bright this season by infusing your favorite holiday cocktails with the stress relieving benefits of CBD. We’ve gathered our favorite recipes to get you in the mood to deck the halls.
Spiced Eggnog Cocktail
- 1 quart Eggnog
- ¼ cup spiced rum
- ¼ cup Cream Liqueur
- 2 tablespoons bourbon
- ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- ground cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg
- Peppermint Flavored Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil Tincture
In a blender, add eggnog, rum, cream liquor, bourbon vanilla extract and one dropper of Peppermint flavored Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil Tincture. In a small dish, shake equal amounts of each of the three spices and mix together. Then portion out ¼ teaspoon of the spice mix and add to the eggnog mixture.
Hold the rest to sprinkle on the finished filled glasses. Pulse the blender just a few seconds to blend ingredients. Pour sugar into a small, flat plate.
With a little bit of eggnog on your finger, rub the rim of the glass then dip the rim into the sugar. Carefully pour eggnog into each glass and sprinkle a little of the reserved spice mix over the top of each and serve immediately.

Cranberry Mojito
- ½ Cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup fresh mint
- 3 limes
- 1 cup cranberries
- 1 cup light rum
- ½ cup Cranberry Juice
- 12 ounces lime seltzer
- Orange Blossom Flavored Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil Tincture
- Add sugar and mint to a pitcher and muddle.
- Add one dropper of CBD Orange Blossom tincture.
- Add the slices of one lime and cranberries to the pitche
- Pour in freshly squeezed lime juice and rum, stir to dissolve sugar. Pour in cranberry juice and seltzer water.
- Stir all together and pour over ice. Garnish with cranberries and mint.

CBD Holiday Wine Sangria
- 1/2 cup brandy
- 1/4 cup triple sec
- 1 bottle of red wine
- 1 cup of orange juice
- 1 tsp cloves
- 1/2 tsp allspice/cloves
- Sugar to taste.
- Orange Flavored Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil Tincture
- Handful of limes, lemons, apples, pears, oranges, and cranberries.
- Cinnamon sticks
- Stir the brandy, triple sec, fruit, and 1 cup of red wine into a pitcher.
- Combine the orange juice, spices, and red wine in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer.
- Simmer the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
- Strain the liquid through a strainer to remove all the spices.
- Add this mixture to the pitcher and leave in refrigerator overnight.
- Next day, add CBD and mix, serve in wine glasses. Enjoy!
For those who don’t like to get holly and jolly, spice up a classic hot coco with Peppermint Flavored Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil Tincture.